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CEO name: kimchangsub

Phone Number: 555721500

Email: k90_dh@nate.com

Webpage: https://www.manggae.com/


Company Information

It’s Uiryeong Manggae Tteok, a special product of Uiryeong It is a rice cake that smells like a manggae leaf by folding blood in the shape of a petal using non-glutinous rice.


Product Information

Uiryeong Manggae rice cake

a special product of Uiryeong It is a rice cake that smells like a manggae leaf by folding blood in the shape of a petal using non-glutinous rice.


Uiryeong Manggae rice cake

a special product of Uiryeong It is a rice cake that smells like a manggae leaf by folding blood in the shape of a petal using non-glutinous rice.


Uiryeong Manggae rice cake

a special product of Uiryeong It is a rice cake that smells like a manggae leaf by folding blood in the shape of a petal using non-glutinous rice.


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